Share Your God Moments

How is the 60Sixty Challenge going for you? As you live your day, connecting with God every hour, how is he moving you? How has God shown up? Where have you seen him at work? The challenge is to embrace a relationship with God.  What have you done in obedience to his Word?

Leave a comment below to share. Read the comments below to get encouragement to continue the 60Sixty Challenge.

How is the 60Sixty Challenge going for you? As you live your day, connecting with God every hour, how is he moving you? How has God shown up? Where have you seen him at work? The challenge is to embrace a relationship with God.  What have you done in obedience to his Word?

Leave a comment below to share. Read the comments below to get encouragement to continue the 60Sixty Challenge.


  1. I was fretting over a lack of resources, and my phone notification went off to tell me to stop what I was doing and look to Jesus. When I stopped “fretting” and actually asked the Lord, He reminded me of a man named George Mueller, who cared for over 10,000 orphans and prayed in all the resources needed. The story inspired me to pray and not doubt! Thank you Jesus!

  2. Last night I was coming down with a cold when my notification popped up and said, “my body and mind may become weak, but God is my strength”. Even though my body was feeling crummy, my soul was renewed! God is my strength regardless of how I feel. GOD > Feeling

  3. It’s been weighing heavily on my heart about forgiving someone and having a conversation with them about it, and I’ve been asking everyone but God on what to do. Got a notification saying to have a conversation with God, and I remembered I always have prayer available to me and I get to make God a part of my decisions.

  4. This morning I woke up late and didn’t have time to spend time with God before work, and when I got my 60/60 notification I was excited and it felt like I got a message from God. I felt peace, and I loved that it was a prayer. “Help me to be in tune with you.” Sometimes it’s hard for that to happen when I don’t start with Him right away in the morning.

  5. Twice, a long time ago, I felt feelings that can only be explained by God. Once, a near death experience hiking Lake Serene in a cold September, another, from another time with people who are gone.

  6. 60/60 moment was all God? We know because it was subtle, quiet and beyond our wildest dreams. We cleaned out the garage this last weekend without a single moment of shame, blame, criticism or stress!! Is that even possible? Yes all things are possible when we are connecting with God ❤️
    Ben & Krista

  7. It is impossible to overstate how impactful 60/60 has been.

    One quick anecdote: I have a dear friend since high school who drifted away from me nine years ago. Repeated attempts on my part to reestablish a relationship have been rebuffed. In recent years, she lost her son to an overdose. I told her I was praying for her, but since she blames God, she took great offense.

    One of the 60/60 suggestions was to reach out to someone who is on your mind. Of course, she immediately came to the forefront. I texted her and she agreed to have lunch with me. This is beyond my wildest expectations! Praise God and I pray for the wisdom to say the right things.

    I so look forward to every hour, on the hour to connect with my Heavenly Father.

  8. At 9:55 this morning, “compassion” was the message given to me.

    Little did I know that compassion was what I needed as I headed to grab my students from PE. One of my students was having a really hard time adjusting back to the classroom.

    This student has been diagnosed with Autism for most of his life and his family is just now realizing that he has different needs than his non autistic sister. It’s hard to see how he’s being treated at home, but I know it’s because his parents don’t know better at this time.

    By showing compassion and love to this student all day, I was able to continue to provide a safe and loving environment for him to learn in.

    I’ve been meeting weekly with his parents to talk about his needs and how they can help him. This short message from God validates all the hard work and love I’ve been pouring into this student.

  9. The 60/60 challenge has been a constant source of encouragement for me. The week on lessons that focused on balancing truth and love was an answer to prayer as I listened to my friend’s struggle with her aging father. John Burke’s Chapter 9 talks about listening and responding in truth and love. It was the advice my friend needed- knowing Good was calling her to serve her dad but also not bend under abusive behavior. They have been able to talk honestly and openly in a respectful way to reconcile their relationship. Good still requires a daily sacrifice of giving time and patience but now the joy of daily walking in God’s truth gets them through. My own 60/60 reminds me of our loving Father who cares about every detail in lives.

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